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Adding a PostBack as an affiliate
Adding a PostBack as an affiliate

You've got your affiliate URL, and now you're wanting to add your PostBack in order for you to track performance in your system

Oliver Hacker avatar
Written by Oliver Hacker
Updated over a week ago

In this example we'll cover how to set up a PostBack and pass a value to a parameter.

For this article we'll work with a transaction id, or tid, but it could be anything you need to pass.
​NOTE: Any parameter you tag on the end of your affiliate link can be used in your PostBack as long as it's the exact same parameter in your PostBack.

Step 1 - Find the Campaign

Find the campaign in Databowl in the campaigns section:

Click on the "Affiliate Url's" button

Step 2 - Create

Click the Create Button.

Select GET or POST - GET is more widely used for PostBacks.
Add the PostBack URL

To receive your values on the parameters passed back in your pixel you simply add to the end of affiliate URL,

eg: if your affiliate URL is:

And you want to track your parameter "tid" on the end, the affiliate URL will look like:

In the post back section you will need map this parameter to our PostBackusing %% macro. This will look like:

The key here is where your URL param is tid= this is then stored in %tid% to pass back.

Some other examples are %gclid%, %transaction% etc.

Step 3 - Test

You can test whether your PostBackis set up correctly by hitting the 'Test' button and entering a valid transaction/click ID.

πŸš€ Need More assistance?

If you're stuck or if this isn't something you or your team is comfortable with, then please open a new chat/ticket (chat icon in the bottom right of the screen) or email

We're here to assist with any questions you have, and if required we can quote on actioning work like this for as part of our Marketing Services.

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