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Affiliate URLs (Callbacks / Postbacks)
Affiliate URLs (Callbacks / Postbacks)
Oliver Hacker avatar
Written by Oliver Hacker
Updated over a week ago

The Callbacks / Postbacks option allows you to configure your Affiliates postbacks on a specific Affiliate URL.

Simply select the Source (the Affiliate supplying the traffic), define the event ( a conversion or any other custom event), Select Call back type (Typically set as a GET request) and apply the URL of the postback.

You can define and configure the variables in the URL e.g. to pass a variable either received through the URL or a system generated parameter.

You are able to test the parameters in the test section (any 'Param' you send in the URL can be tested in the %% macro)

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We're here to assist with any questions you have, and if required we can quote on actioning work like this for as part of our Marketing Services.

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