From a campaign you can create a new rule group, or add an existing one .
First head to the rule groups module.
Adding an Existing Rule Group
Use the dropdown to select your rule group and click add. That's it.
Creating a new Rule Group
To create a Rule Group from scratch within your campaign, first go to the Rule Groups section:
Then where it says 'Create New', leave this selected and click '+Add'. This will bring up the 'Create New Rule Group' box.
You can then define which Field/s you want the Rule Group to apply to, Operator and Values, before selecting '+Add'.
Again, in this example I am creating a Rule Group that will reject any leads with a first name containing more than 25 characters or less than 2.
If you've previously created your Rule Group, or have already added this to another campaign and now want to copy this into your selected campaign you can simply:
A) Search for the campaign you want to copy the Rule Group from, before selecting 'Copy Rule Groups'
B) Search for the the Rule Group before selecting it and click '+Add':
Then all you need to do is select your Match Type, Date Range (where appropriate), Lead Status and Lead Category (where appropriate) before clicking the green '+ Add' button.
NOTE - When applying a rule group please ensure you either match or do not match and set a lead to rejected - if you set a lead to accepted it will not work you plan, you need to tell Databowl what to reject rather than accept.
Hey presto - you have successfully added a pre-existing Rule Group to your campaign!