Before you begin
You need to be an Admin of your Facebook Page
If you use Facebook Business Manager, you have to be Admin of the Ad Account
Ensure your Forms are Published
You may need to verify your Business page on facebook.
Have a Databowl Campaign setup ready - If you've not done so already and you need a guide on this, head here.
Open the Facebook integration
Once you're in your campaign, you can find the facebook integration options under the 3 dots next to your campaign name
Add a New Page Integration
You'll be directed to the following interface, where you can add your integration using the Add Page Integration button.
Authorise Your Facebook Account
A second page will come up asking you to login to Facebook if you haven't done so already.
From here a popups should appear to Authorise permission linking Databowl to your Facebook. Login here and then copy the URL of the page asking which permissions you wish to grant and follow the steps
it should look something like this:
Go to the URL and scroll all the way to the end... you'll see the permissions requested there as &scope=manage_pages%2Cleads_retrieval
Now you want to replace
Note- We suggest you copy this to a document and amend (see video further below)
Make that request, if its the first time connecting you see the new permissions there ready to tick and continue. If its not your first time setting one you will have to click Edit Settings
to see the new permission to tick and save:
Ensure Databowl can Manage your pages and Access leads for you pages
If you only see two permissions below, it means you Databowl does not have the right level of permissions and will not work correctly, so revisit the steps mentioned above.
Click done and you should see this.
Here is a video showing these steps:
Link Your Page Form to the Campaign
You can now link the relevant Facebook form to the campaign ( you may need to refresh this page after connecting).
Click - add Setup
Mapping your Data
Finally Map your Facebook field to the Databowl field to complete the integration.
Finally please submit a test using the Facebook lead ads testing tool The data may come in as invalid format as its test data, but ensure all the fields have a value and you can see the lead in Databowl.
π Need More assistance?
If you're stuck or if this isn't something you or your team is comfortable with, then please open a new chat/ticket (chat icon in the bottom right of the screen) or email
We're here to assist with any questions you have, and if required we can quote on actioning work like this for as part of our Marketing Services.