Question Blocks

Everything to do with question blocks, adding, managing, filtering and adding to sites and more.

James Dodd avatar
Written by James Dodd
Updated over a week ago

Question blocks are the advert you are using to generate a branded opt-in sign up to your offer.

Creating a Question Block (QB)

When creating a new Question block (QB)- you can either choose the type as a standard Question block or a survey question.

Standard Question Block (QB) -creates a standard QB linked to a campaign.

Survey Question blocks - allows you to ask survey questions that form part of the site registration details which can be forwarded as part of the site registration forwarding.

You can use lots of answers from different surveys to qualify a lead e.g. they answered "married, earns over £30K, looking for home insurance" which could be 3 survey questions.


Depending on how you have configured your QB template you could pull in all or none of the QB information below:


Your reference to the offer, this is internal and for reporting, so it can be friendly to you


The title of the offer, this will show to the user, so make sure it makes sense.


Select the Databowl campaign you want to post this data too.


The image you wish to use - you can select from previously loaded images / upload a new asset / Specify a URL


The Body of the offer description

Terms & Conditions

The offer specific terms

Please enter a value in all of these boxes, to continue (it needs a min of 3 characters or an image 1X1 pixel for the image)


Positive and Negative submissions expire

If a user comes back to the site - define if you want to show positive and negative submissions again after n days.

Lead Costing

Define the lead costings (either accepted for an API delivered lead or received if not)

Next Steps

When you hit create you are able to set up the additional information which then becomes visible in the sub-menu.


Here you can apply a rule group to apply any filters. E.g this example is Northern Ireland postcodes - and the requirement is it should match this rule.

Add Your Questions


Create your questions here. Select the field type that you need.

Field Type

Your options here are:

  • text - great for names

  • drop down with single section - perfect for selecting an option from a large list

  • drop down with multiple section - as above but with more than one item selectable

  • text area - for those long inputs, such as comments

  • date - we don't need to explain this

  • date with menus - it's a date, but with drop-downs

  • email - only used for email fields and allows validation

  • hidden - if you want to just collect some data but don't want to show the user

  • choose one of (radio buttons) - select X or Y or Z

  • choose any of (check boxes) - like above but multi select


Following this you can supply answers for your question when using fields like drop-downs or radio and checkbox types.

Label: The text that the user will see. This can be changed on a per-language basis in the site translations.

Value: The value that is submitted to Databowl when the user selects this option (this can be the same value as the label)

Qualifies: When a user selects a qualifying answers for each question, their information is submitted as a lead to the question block's campaign.

Set Question Dependencies

If you have multiple questions in this question group, you can set dependencies.

These will tie the questions together.

So in the example below, our new question, will only show on the Yes of another question.

Set Question Validators

Here you can set up your validation requirements, set the field as required, or for things like email fields require the field is a valid email.

Here are your options

ActiveURL -checks the URL is an active URL
Alpha -Input values must be entirely alphabetic characters (no spaces)
AlphaDash -Input values can be alphabetical characters, numbers or dashes (no spaces)
AlphaNum -Input values can be alphabetical characters or numbers (no spaces)
Between - Is between the value of X and Y
BREmail -Email validation on the field (paid service)
CombiTelephone - Either a landline or mobile validation (UK - paid validation)
A date value yyyy-mm--dd
DateAfter - select a date after
DateBefore -select a date before
Email -Input value must be a valid email address
Greater -Data entered must be greater than this value
HLR - Mobile validation on the field (paid service)
In - The data entered must match a value found in this list. Separate your values with a comma
InivioEmail - Paid for validator - please contact databowl regarding this
InivioPhone - Paid for validator - please contact databowl regarding this
Integer -Input value must be a whole number
IPAddress - Must be an IPaddress
Less -Data entered must be less than this value
LLV - Enables landline validation on the filed (paid service)
NotIn - The data entered must NOT match a value found in this list. Separate your values with a comma
Numeric -Input value must be a number (can be a decimal)
Required -An input value is required

Customise your Template

Here you can specify the template for your QB, add your HTML, CSS and Javascript.

When you visit this area, the first thing you may notice is that it's empty and the below warning is stated.

Clicking this will add your fields to the HTML, after this, you can continue to customise the HTML as you require, but please note, this is quite a developer feature.

Add Translations

Allows you to set up your translations if you're using different languages.

Publish to sites Sites

Here you can attach the QB to the sites you want selectively, or add to all.

Once you've clicked the options you want, be sure to go to each site and republish them to ensure your QB is attached.

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