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Import Rejections

If you have a CSV full of rejected leads, then we'll walk you through the steps to batch reject them.

James Dodd avatar
Written by James Dodd
Updated over a week ago

If you're wanting to import rejected leads back into the campaign they came from, click in your sidebar, under Leads click "Import Rejections".

Data imported here will be sent back to the supplier as "Client Rejected", and processed in whatever way you and your supplier have agreed to deal with such status.

Please Note: To reject leads, you will need to be logged in to Databowl and have the following user role enabled: Reject Leads as a Client

If this is not enabled for you, or you wish to check, please speak to your Lead Supplier (instance owner) who can add this for you.

Setting Up your CSV

A good example CSV structure could be:

lead_id, rejection_reason
1, Duplicate Lead
2, Failed Validation: Not UK Based

As you can see, we're passing an identifier along with a rejection reason.

The identifier can be any field that allows unique options, such as phone and email.

These other fields may require de-dupe to be enabled to ensure only a single leads are present for those values.

Lead ID is the most accurate method and is recommended.


Your Import Rejections page should look like this:


Here's how to import the rejected data:

  1. Drag your file to the import box (or click and select)

  2. Select the campaign the data came from

  3. Click "Start Rejection Task


Mapping Your Indentifiers

Reject on your Lead ID

If you've got data that includes LeadIDs from Databowl, this is the easiest option.

Click Use Lead IDs and then map both the Lead ID and Rejection Reason fields to the corresponding column in your .CSV

Reject using Cunsumer Session ID or UID

Use Consumer session IDs confirm which column in your imported .CSV file contains the UID and rejection reason

Reject using other Data such as phone numbers or Email

You can use another lead data field other than a lead id as long as you have applied a dedupe on this field. So if you have a bunch of unique rejections for phone or email or anything else, map this up.

Check the Optional Configuration settings

Reject from the date

If you had a max rejected days specified as 7 days and you want to reject data that goes over this time period you could put a reject from date to allow for these records to be rejected. IT will take the max number of rejection days from this date rather than today's date.

Move leads older than maximum rejected date to accepted

If you wish to move your data to accepted after importing rejections - this option will ignore any rejections outside of the agreed max rejection days (the client will be billed for these).

Reject affiliate events

If your lead contains associated affiliate events, you can choose to reject them. This will update the reporting for the event data.

Move any remaining leads to accepted

It will move any leads not rejected as accepted. A lead can always move status to rejected the next time its loaded if a lead hasn't reached its final outcome although better to load outcomes up to a set date which is where the Reject from date can be useful to avoid giving suppliers incorrect lead status'.

Count these rejections towards the cap

If you want to include the rejections as part of the cap - this will then allow more data to be sent up to the cap. If unticked the caps will not be impacted by the rejected records.

Run and Verify

Click run to start the rejections. Depending on the file size this can take some time to process,

View one of the leads you've rejected to ensure the lead status now shows correctly.

A quick method to view leads can be done by passing your Lead ID to the end of a url.

This will look something similar to this.


Simply replace {your_instance} with the name of the instance you are accessing

and replace {lead_id} with the ID of the lead you want to verify.

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Make sure the file you are trying to import is in .CSV format

  • Make sure the column titles (e.g. name, telephone) are all on the first row

  • Make sure the file contains a column with the Lead ID, and a column with a reason for rejection

  • check the campaign has maximum rejection time specified


If you need help or assistance with this, feel free to open up a new chat.

We will need access to the CSV to ensure the formattings OK, so please make sure this is OK.

πŸš€ Need More assistance?

If you're stuck or if this isn't something you or your team is comfortable with, then please open a new chat/ticket (chat icon in the bottom right of the screen) or email

We're here to assist with any questions you have, and if required we can quote on actioning work like this for as part of our Marketing Services.

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