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Co-Reg Tech
Co-Reg Tech Glossary of Terms
Co-Reg Tech Glossary of Terms

This is relevant if your Databowl instance has Co-Reg tech enabled

Korey Abbott avatar
Written by Korey Abbott
Updated over a week ago

We know that sometimes terminology can differ from system so system, so this glossary of terms should assist you in getting to grips with Databowl Co-Reg.


Sites tend to be unique and have their own themes and sometimes audiences.

Our co-reg menu area here will allow you to create and manage Co-Reg sites.


Each site could have multiple competitions.

Eg: if you have a holiday competition site, you could have 10 different competitions for different locations on it.

Our co-reg menu area here will allow you to create and manage Co-Reg competitions

Question Blocks

Question blocks are our questions. They can have different setups, slightly different themes or layouts and can be configured to show dependant on previous questions or the registrants profile.

In the menu you can

Create new question blocks.

Manage and configure existing question blocks.

Add questions to existing question blocks


Sponsors are generally the people you are sharing the data with.

Our system will allow you to set up individual sponsors as required.

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